In recent years, disproportionate and sudden rains have taken place in Ordu province in which the artist has been realizing a great part of his creations, due to the fact that global warming’s effects have started to present themselves in a strong way. Also because of the wrong environmental policies and irregular urbanization, many floods took place, people lost their lives, a lot of land and plants drifted away to the rivers, their habitats vanished and animals died. The artist has been creating performances which keep the record of the traces of this loss for almost seven years, since -as a result of this whole process- objects being carried by the sea have been washed up onto the shores of Cape Yason where the artist’s home is located. “Corpus Membratim” which means “Body Part” in Latin, is the presentation of a piece of driftwood that came ashore in one of the recent floods happened at the beginning of summer 2019, with a mechanism that slaughterhouses use to hang the meat and with little intervention to the form it has in nature. In the last 150 years, in which we have prepared the destruction of our race with our own hands by our negative effects on nature, although we are also a biological component of this planet, we have caused a skinned geo resembling a post-apocalyptic World. Dedicated to nature, animals and recent forest fires around the World, Corpus Membratim is presented to the audience as a narrator of this process in the form of a piece of meat that has been detached from our body, waiting to be sold.