The Series of Without a Composition and My Sculptures which started to come together when I first began to study on the value judgements in 2012 are devoted to make a difference –even if a small one- in the mind of weary person created by the urban life, to change his point of view. There have been many technological advancements in people’s lives since we entered the 21stcentury. When we take into consideration the human life, I guess, no development has ever been this fast in the last 15 thousand years… Together with this acceleration in the development, the creation of the insatiable human being has also started. This situation has led us to consume everything we encounter at no time while putting away the traditional and it has caused the disappearance of intimate and warm relationships, which people use to establish with certain objects or people, and it has gradually hindered the human being from hearing his own spiritual voice. In such an era, in the works which I have been tried to create on the same plane with the development, I expose the audience to an animated image that has no composition. Because I know that no oil painting created during this period can attract such an attention from people… However, I create these also without leaving aside the traditional, by witnessing the time in which I live, and by forming a memory on this subject as well. For this reason, I have used a number of geometric forms in eye-catching colours on the backgrounds of my works. I think Cezanne is the most significant name on this approach and I have created these forms on the basis of his theory arguing that the geometrical forms are the basis of everything. These geometrical forms are created with the colours which are intentionally put side by side to attract attention. And the animated lines which create a second layer on the paintings and allows the works to become a dynamic 3D image are an indicator of the transition of the fixed to the moving. By creating a non-composition within the composition through their movement, I expose the audience to the composition of the chaos, just like the sparkling and spectacular image formed by a blackhole…
Intervention , İnstallation Art, 7 Mechanic Paintings, Cer Modern, Ankara, Turkey, 2013